Judicial Fail

The following is not political. [Not taking the side of one political party against another.] It has to do with the enemy of America within. This is an attempt to explain the polarity in America and why we are perceived as hypocritical by other nations. It is a matter of Cause and Effect. I wish to point out the Cause.


The Founding Fathers of our great nation had a unique insight into the fundamental nature of governments and human nature. The purpose of the Founding Fathers was to create a nation based on those insights, that they had recognized that apply to all humanity whom individually and collectively are endowed and possess inherent rights endowed before the establishment of governments. [Endowed by the creator]


The government established by the Founding Fathers exists to protect these rights. To this end they wrote the constitution and bill of rights. The function of the Judiciary is not so much to the Letter of the Law as to guarding the spirit and intentions of the Founding Fathers and insuring that the Law reflects those principles on which our great nation was founded.


Many in the judiciary are enemies of the constitution because they have turned away from the spirit of the law in proclaiming by judicial action that it is a “living” document subject to political “evolution” therefore just a piece of paper on which if they change the wording they think (falsely) that they can change our rights. They are traitors to the insight and intentions of the Founding Fathers.


Laws based on the Natural Law (which we hear nothing about these days) carry moral weight. When it becomes more moral to disobey the law of a land then to obey it that nation will either morph into an evil empire or crumble in internal conflict and weakness inviting attack from without. This is the lesson of History that repeats itself because of leaders that feel themselves above the lessons of the past.


People in every age believe themselves to be “modern” and somehow more advanced than those before them. Through vaporous reasoning and empty philosophies we make the same mistakes and take the same path of nations that have fallen one after the other in the ages before our own. It still remains true that rampant corruption [that decimates the cellular traditional family unit] in every instance proceeds the fall of nations.


We are in a position where we cannot understand why other nations seem to have little respect for us. Let’s see what other nations see and perceive when they observe our nation. Out of one side of our national mouth comes the word “May God Bless America” very sincerely. Simultaneously, the other side of the national mouth spits on the Creator. With one hand we hold out “Liberty” [The Creators greatest gift to humanity] to the nations.

With the other hand our judiciary holds out homosexuality and abortion as rights endowed by the creator?


Across our “great” nation it is a felony to abuse a pet yet at the same time it is lawful for mothers to abort their own children. Once conception takes place a woman is a mother even if willfully she becomes a mother of a dead baby. Suicide rates among mothers who have aborted are six times higher than mothers who have given live birth. America has also tied foreign aid to birth control and abortion rights thereby spreading corruption around the world. We have our own brand of sharia law except that it is the women who hold the right of life or death over offspring that dishonor them while on the other side of the coin; Muslin men have the right of life or death [honor killing] over their families. Both can say, “I have the right according to my law.” Of course muslin men are horrified at us for getting it so backward that they call America “The Great Satan.”




This nation was built like a three legged stool. All three legs need to carry their weight for the nation to remain stable. We need to recognize as a nation the rotten condition of the Judicial Leg of Government. The letter of the Law is worthless and empty without honest adherence to the spirit in which it was originally written. We have no need of a Supreme Judiciary that overturns the laws enacted according to the will of the people according to some yet unwritten code of political correctness which is an oxymoron of epic proportion.

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